Matter - Get Out Of The Air -
Matter was born in 2000 by Fk Drone and fmchloroform. His music explores territories of ambient isolationism and electronic music. Drones and field recordings compose siderales atmospheres, the empty and the attraction - at the same time - syntonize the mind towards altered frequencies directions. Electronics rhythms are inserted over the time, emphasizing the edge behind isolation and single social entity. FkDrone and fmchloroform, after several experimental and punk-wave records on 4 tracks cassette recorder, decide to record Alphaville under the moniker Womb with a badly working computer, and it is a mixsture of instrumental improvvisation, drones and fields recordings, dedicated to genius of Jan Luc Godard. In 2006 the netlabel Sinewaves (sine3pm) releases Last Lands Sonology and in the 2007 Decrease of Contamination. Matter is an electronic and experimental duo in constant evolution.
Get out of the air! simply ant/matter room ambient
Necessità tecniche dettagliate:
P.A di buona qualità e di elevata potenza adeguata al luogo e all’evento
Alimentazione e prese multiple (min 10 slot)
1 piano di appoggio libero, dimensioni cm 250x80x90
2 ingressi audio left/rigth per collegare il nostro mixer all’ impianto.
Artista/Gruppo: Matter
Titolo: Get out of the air
Nome/Cognome contatto/referente: fmchloroform
Mail contatto/referente:
Tel/cell: 3408536354
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