iXem Podcast: City Slang

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City Slang

What city sounds tell us everyday?

human evolution and technology development

empty words and distant minds

globalisation and the meaning of life

deep in the unconscious way of life

for listening the unhearing ...

1. Brevi note biografiche e curriculum artistico:

Mario D'Andreta plays his experiments in the field of concrete and acousmatic music, manipulating field recordings of urban places, seeking for effects of extrangement through the use of the habitual pattern of everyday sounds and plays improvised music for prepared piano.

He lives and works in Rome.

At the present he's working on different projects:

- Alien City Spleen, an alien exploration of the globalisation through the sound oh the world, with reworked sounds of human places
- Atlante SOnoro, a collection of soundscapes of Italian and European cities and towns
- G-wine, an abstract soundscape from the movie MOndovino by Jonathan Nossiter
- Coriolano Noise, improvised free music for prepared piano, sounds objects, electric bass, clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano and tenor saxes with Renato Ciunfrini
- Ciunfrini/D’Andreta/Giuffre, improvised free music for prepared piano, sounds objects, electric bass, clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano and tenor saxes and prepared electric guitar with Renato Ciunfrini and Filippo Giuffrè
- nOiTz , industrial and electronic noise sounds with annabolena a.k.a. Antonella Pintus (next release on idroscalo rec)
He's interested in networking between musician and other artists

2. Descrizione dettagliata tecnico-artistica del live proposto:

Real time live electronics computer treatments of field recordings with Ableton Live. Soundscapes from "Alien City Spleen", an alien exploration of the globalisation through the sound oh the world, reworking the human places voices
3. Necessità tecniche dettagliate per la performance:

1 tavolo d'appoggio
1 presa multipla + 1 prolunga
1 sistema d'amplificazione audio
1 mixer audio

4. Artista/Gruppo : Mario D’Andreta

5. Titolo : City Slang
6. Nome/Cognome contatto: Mario D’Andreta7. Email: mariodan@inwind.it

8.Website: www.myspace.com/dandreta, www.myspace.com/coriolanonoise, www.idroscalo.org/drwho

9. Tel/cell: + 39 3400700757

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