1 Brevi note biografiche e curriculum artistico:
Alessandro Fiorin Damiani
Musician, Musictherapist and Tarot-Reader; co-founder of projects like KRAJOBRAZ, KIMIKOVA and DENSO association. In 1996, he began to experiment with the analogic language of the sound and, since 2003, he's keeping session of etnomusictherapy, combined with Tarot, in the ambit of mental health. The directly lived experience of psycho-ritual trance brought him to an holotropic image of the music. He opened gigs of COLOSSAMITE, THE FLYNGLUTTENBACHERS, US MAPLE, LAIBACH and WITHEHOUSE. He's also turnist for TEATRO SATANICO.
Davide Lorenzon
Born in Vittorio Veneto in 1980 he started play clarinet at the age of 8; then at twelve he changed for alto sax. He plays regularly in the improvising orchestra Improvvirusoundexperience, in L'imbroglio trio with Lucio Bonaldo and Gi Gasparin and in the Nezara Viridula quartet. He also organized several experimental concerts with Feedback association.
2 Descrizione tecnico-artitica del live proposto:
The performance consists in an extemporary composition inspired by a successsion of four chords made by a synthetiser(MiniMoog Voyager RME). The electronic sequence will determine the armonic borders of the acoustic improvisation (alto sax and percussions) that will be processed live by analogic filters (Moogergooger).
3) Necessità tecniche per la performance:
n.2 cardioids microphones (a, sax alto - b, percussioni); n.6 mixer canals; n.2 aux; n.4 DI; n.2 audio monitors.
4) Artista/Gruppo:
Alessandro Fiorin Damiani, Davide Lorenzon.
5) Titolo: "Lunar"
6) Nome/Cognome contatto/referente: Davide Lorenzon.
7) Mail contatto/referente:
8) Website: ;
9) Tel/cell: +39 349 7939667 (Davide Lorenzon)
10) Pubblicando questo Post ne autorizzo l'utilizzo di brevi estratti per la pubblicazione su TV e/o radio e accetto che i materiali inviati vengano inseriti negli archivi del festival e di ANTITESI.
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