iXem Podcast: settembre 2007

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the sphynx

1. Brevi note biografiche e curriculum artistico:

Der Bekannte Post-Industrielle Trompeter
is an experimental/industrial project created by
Flavio Rivabella -
the trumpet is its main feature
a lot of field-recording and electronics are also used -

each new DBPIT's work is the result of some twisted-minded,
deeply conceptual experiment...
after several years of partecipations side by side with the most relevant members of Roman underground scene, Flavio Rivabella (aka DBPIT) set off for an entirely new adventure in the year 2K;

solo/split discography:

- eleven (misty circles) 2002

- total lack of vital energy (nekofutschata) 2002

-the outstanding story of mr. mallory (farewell) 2004/(gattoalieno) 2006

-trompozmo (butcher's house/gattoalieno) 2004

-stille nacht (white rabbit) 2004

-s.u.t.u.b. (misty circles/gatto/alieno) 2005

-freak nerve-cell from outer space (chondritic sound) 2005

-toads and bugs (white rabbit) 2006

-science discoveries (old eiropa cafè) 2006

-tribute to the memory of Leni Riefensthal (precordings) 2006

-journey to the center of noise (deserted factory) 2007

2. Descrizione dettagliata tecnico-artistica del live proposto:

esecuzione brani con videoclip dedicati di sfondo; vengono utilizzate basi preregistrate su DVD su cui viene suonata la tromba effettata in tempo reale attraverso il kaoss-pad e un multieffetto; vengono anche utilizzati oggetti e altri mezzi per produrre suoni e rumori

3. Necessità tecniche dettagliate per la performance:

tavolo o altro supporto per mixer, multieffetto e kaoss-pad; lettore dvd, proiettore video con schermo
4. Artista/Gruppo : DBPIT (der bekannte post-industrielle trompeter)
5. Titolo :the sphynx
6. Nome/Cognome contatto/referente: flavio rivabella
7. Mail contatto/referente: info@derbekannte.com
8. Website :http://www.derbekannte.com/
9. Tel/cell : 339.6135361
10. Pubblicando questo Post ne autorizzo l'utilizzo di brevi estratti per la
pubblicizzazione su TV e/o radio e accetto che i materiali inviati vengano inseriti negli archivi del festival e di ANTITESI.


email: info@derbekannte.com




graphicalSound: colours of noise

U.S.O. Project has released 'graphicalSound: colours of noise', an audio journey into computer music.

[Artwork: Marikappa]

The compositional editing of synthetic and 'plausible' sounds, is a timbre research with the dynamics of a conscious dream and where the story is the sound itself.
Pulses, grainy and tiny particles develop into textures that represent the constantly changing pathway driving the listener to a higher level of abstraction.
Non-linear, disturbing sound perspectives morph into impalpable sandy objects that suddenly dissolve into shadow and erupt into a euphony that rarely inhabits the stereo field.
Inharmonic spectra share a living space with harmonic sound-beings, evoking a subconscious world that everyone is invited to join.

[free download - mp3 - 50MB]

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.



"Cornucopia" di Mark Hamn (Francesco Giannico)

Francesco Giannico, best known as Mark Hamn, originates from Carosino a small town near Taranto, in the southern part of Italy.He's graduated in "Musicology and Musical Heritage" at the University of Lecce with a thesis on "History of film music".Musically he was born as an indie-guitarist, but an unexpected convergence with experimental electronic music some ten years ago changed his musical orientation, driving him into a different direction.During the recent years several of his works were published on the Internet in the form of free downloadable albums by popular net labels, including the italian Sine3pm.His musical approach is better described as a cinematic journey which pushes the boundaries of digital media even further by incorporating smooth melodies and gentle textures.More canonical instruments such as guitar and piano are constantly present into Mark's music, within interrupted structures or long and dreaming sonorous carpets.His latest work entitled "Je déchire l'ongle aux criminels" was released in April 2007 as a friendly co-production between Afe and Bar La Muerte.

2. Descrizione dettagliata tecnico-artistica del live proposto : Cornucopia Acoustic guitar used as sounds source for realtime live electronics computer treatments. Directly generated via Plogue Bidule or Ableton Live , so to create Folk , Drone Atmospheres

3. Necessità tecniche dettagliate per la performance:
n° 1 tavolo d'appoggio (fornito da voi + una presa , una ciabatta ed una prolunga )n° 1 acoustic guitar(meglio se fornito da voi per problemi di spostamento )n° 1 laptop computer (il mio ovviamente)n° 1 sistema d'amplificazione audio (il vostro)n° 1 mixer audio min. 4 canali (meglio se fornito da voi per problemi di spostamento)

4. Artista/Gruppo : Mark Hamn (Francesco Giannico)

5. Titolo : Cornucopia

6. Nome/Cognome contatto: Francesco Giannico

7. Email: mark_hamn@yahoo.it

8.Website: http://www.myspace.com/markhamn

9. Tel/cell: 349/5012612

Autorizzo l'utilizzo di brevi estratti per la pubblicizzazione su TV e/o radio e accetto che i materiali inviati vengano inseriti negliarchivi del festival e di ANTITESI.

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