iXem Podcast: invisible lands

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invisible lands



Prolific and multi-faceted artist, Alessandro Olla has invested a major part of his creative effort in transgressing musical formalities and academicism. His skills forged in classical studies that included piano, composition and electronics, he was soon tempted by the possibilities of the freest slopes of sonic creation, entering into the turbulent but exciting fields of improvisation, experimentation and risk-taking electronics. In the course of those trips he has been able to count on the collaboration of major figures of the most uncompromising musical activism: Tim Hodgkinson, David Shea, David Toop, Marc Ribot, Jean Marc Montera, Llorenc Barber, Elio Martusciello, Victor Nubla, Z’EV .As a result of this fertile curiosity and of his aim of dissolving the prison walls surrounding different disciplines, the work of Alessandro Olla started spreading, as of a decade ago, in multiple directions. Those directions have led to his involvement in projects that incorporate visual and scenic factors such as speakers (creations for films and theatre and dance shows, performances), to express the poetical and sonorous possibilities of objects and matter, or to rediscover certain physical phenomena (gravitation, oscillation, inertia) through the eye of a bold conjurer. The result of this investigation is a work that extracts from risk and experimentation a range of experiences, bright and immediate, that make out of the ‘every-day’ something continuously rediscoverable.

Signorafranca short bioagraphy:

Signorafranca is a duo born by the meeting of MicheleCasanova and Marcello Cualbu, both from cagliari and coming from different experiences in audio and video environments.
Their union materializes different audio video livesets and brings to life signorafranca.com netlabel. The attenction of the two performers first focuses on the interaction between concrete music and video mixing, passing through different styles of electronic music and video
performances. The guys starts up different solo projects published on their netlabel together with the ones of other producers; signorafranca.com shows up now 37 releases by italian,
lituan and swedish producers that make different kind of electronic music.
More recently, they collaborate with Alessandro Olla, with whom they make video performances interacting with the musician’s theatrical audio installations.


Invisible lands is a performance of experimental electronic music and live videoart ideated and played by Alessandro Olla (composer and musician) and “signorafranca” (videoartistes).
Original composition are played live on different kind of musical instruments: electronic, traditional and electroacustic ones, laptop, sound object.

Both audio and video, starts with primary elements.Meanwhile the audio uses selfmade
mechanical instruments,the videos starts with elements as basic as the audio ones,
move to environments more and more anthropized, passing throught architectonics modules
and new abitative structures recalls.

The performance has its roots in the wide and varied field of original expressive codes, wich deliberately avoid the logical of cultural consumerism as well as from stock genre connotations, with the intention to explore unusual ways of organizing different languages and to critically involve the spectators.

Technical needs

3 video projector (3000 ANSI LUMEN minimo)
3 video screen or 3 wall where to project the video
2 tables 2m X 1m(circa)
1 analogic mixer –minimum 12 ch - 4 aux 4 sub (same mackie)
2 audio cables (cannon o Jack) from mixer out to P.A. system
2 video monitor
P.A. system with subwoofer separately
3 monitor audio

n.1 Mixer: 12 channel line in - 4 aux- 4 sub
cables from perfomance area to mixer

ARTIST: alessandro olla + signorafranca

TITLE: invisible lands

contact: contact@aleolla.it

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